Juvenile Delinquency Causes And Control Download Pdf [TOP]
Juvenile Delinquency Causes And Control Download Pdf
Juvenile delinquency is a serious social problem that involves the violation of laws or norms by minors who are below the legal age of adulthood. Juvenile delinquency can have various negative impacts on the individuals, their families, and the society as a whole. For instance, juvenile delinquency can lead to poor academic performance, substance abuse, mental health issues, violence, crime, and incarceration.
Juvenile Delinquency Causes And Control Download Pdf
There are many factors that can cause or contribute to juvenile delinquency, such as biological, psychological, social, and environmental factors. These factors can interact and influence each other in complex ways, making it challenging to identify a single cause or solution for delinquency. However, some general theories have been developed to explain the causes of delinquency, such as strain theory, social learning theory, and control theory.
Strain Theory
Strain theory proposes that delinquency is caused by the stress or frustration that individuals experience when they face social or economic barriers that prevent them from achieving their goals or expectations. For example, some juveniles may resort to delinquency as a way of coping with poverty, discrimination, or lack of opportunities. Strain theory also suggests that delinquency can be reduced by providing more resources and support for disadvantaged youths, such as education, employment, and welfare programs.
Social Learning Theory
Social learning theory argues that delinquency is learned from others through observation, imitation, and reinforcement. For example, some juveniles may learn to be delinquent from their parents, siblings, friends, or media figures who model or reward delinquent behavior. Social learning theory also implies that delinquency can be prevented by teaching positive values and skills to young people, such as empathy, responsibility, and self-control.
Control Theory
Control theory assumes that delinquency is the result of weak or broken bonds between individuals and society. For example, some juveniles may engage in delinquency because they lack attachment to their parents, commitment to their school, involvement in their community, or belief in their morality. Control theory also indicates that delinquency can be controlled by strengthening the social ties and norms that regulate human behavior.
These are some of the main theories that attempt to explain the causes of juvenile delinquency. However, it is important to note that these theories are not mutually exclusive or comprehensive. There may be other factors or perspectives that can shed more light on the complex phenomenon of juvenile delinquency. Therefore, it is essential to conduct more research and evaluation on this topic.
If you want to learn more about juvenile delinquency causes and control download pdf files from reputable sources online. You can also consult experts or professionals who specialize in this field for more guidance and advice.
The Control and Prevention of Delinquency
Besides understanding the causes of delinquency, it is also important to know how to control and prevent delinquency. There are various agencies and programs that aim to reduce or eliminate delinquent behavior among juveniles, such as the police, the juvenile court, the juvenile corrections, and the community-based interventions. These agencies and programs have different roles and functions in dealing with delinquent youths, such as detection, diversion, adjudication, disposition, rehabilitation, and reintegration.
The Police
The police are the first point of contact between juveniles and the justice system. The police have the authority to stop, question, search, arrest, or release juveniles who are suspected of committing delinquent acts. The police also have the discretion to divert juveniles from formal processing by referring them to alternative programs or services, such as counseling, mediation, or restorative justice. The police can also work with other agencies or organizations to prevent delinquency by providing education, supervision, or support for at-risk youths.
The Juvenile Court and Corrections
The juvenile court is a specialized court that handles cases involving juveniles who are accused of delinquency. The juvenile court has the jurisdiction to determine whether a juvenile is delinquent or not, and to impose appropriate sanctions or treatments for the juvenile. The juvenile court can also transfer some serious or chronic offenders to the adult criminal court for prosecution. The juvenile corrections are the agencies that are responsible for carrying out the orders of the juvenile court. The juvenile corrections include various types of facilities or programs that provide custody, care, or treatment for delinquent youths, such as detention centers, probation offices, group homes, boot camps, or residential treatment centers.
Community-Based Interventions
Community-based interventions are programs or services that are designed to prevent or reduce delinquency by involving the community in addressing the needs and problems of juveniles and their families. Community-based interventions can include various types of activities or strategies, such as mentoring, tutoring, after-school programs, family counseling, substance abuse prevention, gang prevention, or youth empowerment. Community-based interventions can also foster positive relationships and interactions between juveniles and their peers, parents, teachers, neighbors, or other community members.
These are some of the main agencies and programs that aim to control and prevent juvenile delinquency. However, it is important to note that these agencies and programs are not flawless or effective in all cases. There may be challenges or limitations that hinder their performance or outcomes. Therefore, it is essential to monitor and evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency on a regular basis.
If you want to learn more about juvenile delinquency causes and control download pdf files from reputable sources online. You can also consult experts or professionals who specialize in this field for more guidance and advice.
The Definition and Trend of Juvenile Delinquency
Before discussing the causes and control of juvenile delinquency, it is important to define what juvenile delinquency is and how it is measured. Juvenile delinquency is a broad term that can refer to any illegal or socially unacceptable behavior committed by minors who are below the legal age of adulthood. The legal age of adulthood varies from country to country, but it is usually between 18 and 21 years old. Juvenile delinquency can include various types of offenses, such as status offenses, property offenses, violent offenses, drug offenses, or sexual offenses.
The measurement of juvenile delinquency is not a simple task, as there are different sources and methods of collecting and reporting data on delinquent behavior. Some of the common sources of data include official statistics, self-report surveys, victimization surveys, and observational studies. Each source has its own advantages and disadvantages, such as accuracy, validity, reliability, representativeness, and generalizability. Therefore, it is necessary to compare and contrast different sources and methods to get a comprehensive and accurate picture of the extent and nature of juvenile delinquency.
The trend of juvenile delinquency is also a complex issue that can vary depending on the time period, location, type of offense, and characteristics of offenders. In general, the trend of juvenile delinquency has fluctuated over the years, showing periods of increase and decrease in different regions and countries. Some of the factors that can affect the trend of juvenile delinquency include demographic changes, economic conditions, social changes, cultural influences, media exposure, law enforcement policies, and public awareness.
The Governmental Efforts to Curb Juvenile Delinquency
In response to the problem of juvenile delinquency, various governmental efforts have been implemented to curb or prevent delinquent behavior among juveniles. These efforts can be classified into two main categories: legal efforts and programmatic efforts. Legal efforts refer to the laws and regulations that define and govern juvenile delinquency and its consequences. Programmatic efforts refer to the policies and programs that provide prevention, intervention, or treatment services for juveniles who are at risk or involved in delinquent behavior.
Legal Efforts
Legal efforts are the formal rules and procedures that establish the rights and responsibilities of juveniles who are accused or convicted of delinquent acts. Legal efforts can vary from country to country, but they usually involve three main components: the definition of delinquency, the jurisdiction of the justice system, and the sanctions or dispositions for delinquent youths. The definition of delinquency determines what types of behaviors are considered illegal or unacceptable for juveniles. The jurisdiction of the justice system determines which agency or court has the authority to handle cases involving juveniles. The sanctions or dispositions for delinquent youths determine what types of consequences or treatments are imposed on juveniles who are found guilty or responsible for their actions.
Programmatic Efforts
Programmatic efforts are the informal or non-legal initiatives that aim to prevent or reduce delinquent behavior among juveniles by addressing their needs and problems. Programmatic efforts can vary from country to country, but they usually involve four main types: primary prevention programs, secondary prevention programs, tertiary prevention programs, and restorative justice programs. Primary prevention programs target the general population or groups that are not yet involved in delinquent behavior but may be exposed to risk factors. Secondary prevention programs target individuals or groups that are already involved in delinquent behavior but have not yet faced serious consequences or interventions. Tertiary prevention programs target individuals or groups that have faced serious consequences or interventions for their delinquent behavior but need further assistance or supervision to avoid recidivism. Restorative justice programs target individuals or groups that have harmed or been harmed by delinquent behavior and seek to repair the damage and restore the relationships.
These are some of the main legal and programmatic efforts that have been implemented by governments to curb juvenile delinquency. However, it is important to note that these efforts are not always effective or efficient in all cases. There may be challenges or limitations that affect their implementation or outcomes. Therefore, it is essential to monitor and evaluate their impact and quality on a regular basis.
If you want to learn more about juvenile delinquency causes and control download pdf files from reputable sources online. You can also consult experts or professionals who specialize in this field for more guidance and advice.
Juvenile delinquency is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that affects individuals, families, and society. Juvenile delinquency can be caused by various factors, such as strain, social learning, and control. Juvenile delinquency can also be controlled or prevented by various agencies and programs, such as the police, the juvenile court, the juvenile corrections, and the community-based interventions. However, juvenile delinquency is not a static or simple problem that can be easily solved or eliminated. Juvenile delinquency is a dynamic and evolving problem that requires constant research and evaluation to understand its causes and effects, and to develop effective and efficient solutions.
If you want to learn more about juvenile delinquency causes and control download pdf files from reputable sources online. You can also consult experts or professionals who specialize in this field for more guidance and advice. 6c859133af